Save for a few small details on how things are done between the two, like taking on jobs happening at the ranch vs jobs you can take when visiting a town, they are very much the same game. The weird thing about these games is how similar they are. The outcome of not letting it rest? A trip to the hospital, for even more weeks at a time. All this stuff will make anyone tired, so when your monster is feeling tired, you need to let it rest. However, your monster can fail to complete its job and waste a week, which you can then scold if you’re a cold-hearted bast… nevermind, I’m getting off topic. Working also helps to boost stats even further, making it crucial to its development. Money is earned from working menial jobs or winning tournaments, so the game encourages you to get your monster out there in the job market. Every month your monster needs food, which costs varying amounts depending on its quality, which will determine how much it can increase your monster’s stats.
Work takes a week and a tournament takes a week. After all is said and done, and you’ve finally decided what album will make your monster of choice, it’s time to train it up.